A soil remediation project will start during this month at ScanPole Höljäkkä impregnation plant in Nurmes. A total of seven hectares of production and storage sites will be restored during the next three years. New storage fields will be built along with a levelling pool and a rainwater collection system.

The impregnation plant will operate normally during the whole project.
- Höljäkkä plant has been operating for over 60 years and harmful substances have contaminated the soil, especially in a fire that raged at the plant 40 years ago. Today, the operations are strictly controlled and monitored, and harmful substances can no longer pollute the environment, explains ScanPole’s Technical Director Sami Lehtoranta.
The condition of soil and ground water in the area has been observed for over 30 years. As the remediation project proceeds, there will be intensive monitoring of the status of ground water and run-off water. The project is implemented in close collaboration with the previous owners of the plant. The Regional State Administrative Agency has granted an environmental permit for the project two years ago.
Further information:
Technical Director, Sami Lehtoranta
sami.lehtoranta[ at ]iivarimononen.fi