With this donation Iivari Mononen Group wants to support the development of education in fields that are increasingly needed in the constantly changing global business. As Managing Director Ari Mononen tells,
- Karelia University of Applied Sciences has been an important partner for us for many years, providing high-quality education in fields that are relevant for us. We have many employees who have graduated from there.
Building infrastructure networks for the future requires experts in digital business, mechanical wood processing, international trade and electricity network building. As Ari Mononen describes,
- We hope our donation is directed for the tuition and development in these fields, In addition, we want to have an impact on the vitality of the North Karelian business life. In this respect, consistent collaboration between businesses and educational institutions is crucial.

The donation was received by Petri Raivo, Rector of the Karelia University of Applied Sciences, and Eero Elsinen, Director of Administration and Finances. Managing Director Ari Mononen and Finance and Strategy Director Janne Monni from Iivari Mononen presented the donation on 20 September 2018.
ScanPole Oy is part of the Iivari Mononen Group.
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